~Just another ordinary girl who thinks way too much~ welcome to my world
Monday, December 29, 2008
Caffeine Overdose
Soooo... the new year is approaching. Everyone got plans? Noelle has no plans, then again I don't think I ever do.. things just come up and I just go along with it every year. Then again Christmas and New Year's Day has never been a big thing for me. At least not since I can remember. Just another day in the year. Hmm resolutions this year? Still thinking.. still working on it. But I can tell u one thing, 2009 is the year of Taiwan...
I wonder where everyone is? Or is it just me? Everyone seems preoccupied with stuff and busy. No one is ever on msn nemore. Otherwise everyone is hiding like me. Maybe that's it. Or maybe its just that people have lives to live.
I think I need a change in styles. I'm kinda bored with my look. But at the end of the day I still buy clothes that are similar to what i've already got. Maybe I'll have to experiment a bit more with the clothes I buy on my shopping trip overseas. So far on my list... I want a nice watch something that is elegant. But I guess we shall see coz rite now I am still as broke as ever. Speaking of clothes, that reminds me I need to really clean out my closet. Need to get rid of the stuff I no longer wear and no longer want. I have a habit of keeping stuff even if I will never wear it ever again. But seriously that has to change coz my closet is full of junk. But but but I cleaned my room -ish... well it's been de-dusted and the carpet has been professionally cleaned, so that is my spring cleaning for the year (and i mean next year of course).
Am heading to HK and Macau quite soon. Anyone have any suggestions on must go destinations? At the moment I have no idea where to go, what to eat (other than the famous egg tarts) and where to shop. I guess I still have time to do some research, but lets just see if I can be bothered. I'm guessing no.
Ok I am off... coffee is still making me jittery so lets see if i can find something to overcome it. mmmM fine dining tomorro should be good. oh and fotos. I miss Camwhoring.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
A Nice End
Yesterday started off with breakfast at the Platform with my buddy. It was soo good the hashbrown omg soooooo yummy. mMmm hashbrown. I actually really like the Platform, the food is good and the atmosphere is quite chilled. Maybe I'm biased because that breakky was so awesome and it was expensed to the company as a "buddy catch-up" session.
So the rest of the day was pretty much spent on practising for our presentation and working out the props and scripts to perfection. I reckon my team works really well... we draw on inspiration from each other and just like that we get the work done and laugh our heads off at the same time. I definitely got the best group. We were the only ones to actually do the presentation live as well... everyone else made videos. So on that note I think ours was the best :) but once again I am biased!
After all the presentations and the admin stuff we all headed to the breakout room of the office for drinks. Was very relaxed and I got to talk to some of the people that I didn't really get much time to socialise with before. Mainly people from the other service line streams. It was quite cool. I wish I kinda talked to the actual employees more *shrugs*.
Anyway so we stayed in the office till about 6 and then everyone was starting to get hungry. Oh and we met a DJ that works in Deloitte. He is so nice and friendly. We were all gonna go for dinner.. but he was going to be late for work so we went to box deli and he bought us all a round of butterscotch snapps before he left. Was an awesome choice of a drink! We then had a round of Jagers as we waited for some of the guys to finish with the food they ordered. And then somehow instead of eating dinner we ended up at 1907 to continue with the drinks. I was already tipsy by then so I insisted on not drinking for a while for at least until I sobered up a bit. After a few moments they all noticed I has stopped drinking, and because peer pressure works on me to a certain extent I went to get a drink. Actually Nic bought me a drink. Not knowing what to get Nic suggested we do martinies since we hadn't tried it b4. So I had the smokey Martini and Nic ended getting Johnny Walker with something 0_O so much for the martinies!! BUT OMG IT WAS SOOOO STRONG. It tasted like smoked water.. very weird. And no doubt about it, it left me weak at the knees. Was definitely very tipsy by then. I said TIPSY not drunk ok!
After that Al told me that Eryn would be picking us up to get to a Christmas party one of my team members were holding. So we trekked back to the office, and Al packed up his stuff and made our way to the party. It was just the main team so it was good to be able to sit there and enjoy their company. Especially since I don't know if I will be seeing them again in the future. They are so hilarious and made me laugh so much that my cheeks hurt! Had champagne there, it was very nice champers too. I am going to miss them.
Mishie dearest offered to take me home that night. Thankyou Mishie :). I didn't drive that nite because I don't usually drive to work and I actually wasn't intending to stay out so late. I'm glad I did tho. I had a truly awesome nite and It was defiantly a nice end to my internship. Oh and of course not to forget the Korean supper we had after Mishie picked me up. Was good :). Damn I realised now I should have took fotos. That would have been so much better... *sighs* what a day.
Anyways I think its time to stop yabbering. This post has been a bit messy and unorganised so sorry about that, but I really wanted to mark this day down just cos I had so much fun.
Lasty if I get one more spam message on my chatterbox I'm going to cry!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Without you
Sunday, December 7, 2008
A New Chapter to Life
So why the lack of updates recently? Well.. I've been meaning to blog but just couldnt find the time and lacked the effort. Last Monday I started Vaction work, the new chapter to my life. And the verdict--> I LOVE IT!!!. Ok not working ife in itself.. but my team, my project, the company, the office, the people. Everything is so less scary then I thought it would be and the people are omg soo friendly and helpful. But that put to one side. My client atm is Murdoch University... so like its really far away from me. Which means I have to get up heaps early in order to make it in to office on time.. 6am wake ups are just crazy.. and also it means I get home quite late. Basically its a wake up, work, home, eat and immediately sleep schedule cos even if i wanted to stay up my body and mind refuses. But I still think its good. Especially when i get an email from my project supervior saying " great job and thanks for the help". It is all worth it =)
I havent camwhored in my business clothes yet... mainly because suprisingly camwhoring dosnt work at 6am in the morning. But on that note I need more business clothes! I have nothing to wear. *sighs* I missed like 5 of Canh's calls yesterday and I haven't had the chance to call her back yet. Its been ages since I've had my sesssion with Canh. I wonder how she is.
Well.. with a busy week ahead and and event filled day tomorro I think it is finally bed time.. I hope I'm not getting back into my 3am sleeping habits. But then again my current 9pm sleeping habits arent good either =/
Laters guys,
Hope everyone is well =)
Monday, November 24, 2008
Wasn't going to blog today, but I thought I just mite.. maybe it will help me clear my head a bit?I've been going through all my old emails again. I know I know we shouldn't dwell in the past. But I just can't help but look back to what it all used to be. hehe there are some awesomely hilarious emails in there... ones of me slowly growing my fondness of micky-shi, and then there are plans ... lots of plans... and lastly there are those emails.. the ones that make me miss everything and want to shed a tear.
Someone need to hit me over the head with a brick and remind me that change is not only inevitable.. its not so much of a bad thing. We all go thru it rite... its all just a matter of time. Maybe I've been watching too much dramas again recently. I think watching those dramas just make me depressed... watching a life I crave, a dream I no longer dare to want.
Happy Birthday Mishie
Went shopping today.. (and yesterday) with Mishie (HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY again) and ali joined for a bit. And I found nothing in the city on both days. Meant to be shopping for office-wear. In the end I went home picked up mummy and she helped me find some stuff. Bought 2 skirts and a top. Just plain stuff but I guess its ok... We shall have to see, I will prob do some more shopping later on.
Soo tired.. I think its time to sleep. Goodnite all.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Blue Skies
In the space of these two days I think everyone is leaving. Off to play in a different playground. Its sad that I haven't got the chance to fully catch up with them all before they leave but such is life rite?? Plus they will be back. Cept that fact that the day Lisa comes home.. I shall be flying off so we will be missing each other this whole holiday. But anyways have fun everyone.. and I am wishing a safe trip to Lisa, Ed, RongChyi and Anthony who are all either leaving today or tomorrow.
I dare not say i'm bored. I won't do it. I still have the scars of yesterday so fresh. So rather I will say that I wanna go out to play. I kinda still miss dressing up and looking semi-pretty. hehe but the only problem now is that everyone will be gone :( I guess that mean more time in front of lappy?
I shall be starting the internship in about one week's time. AND I AM SCARED. In a good way tho. I really want to try my best and show that I am competent. I hope that they will like me and that I will make friends. I think i'm one of those difficult people to get to know and be friends with. I think it takes a lot of patience to actually get to know me because I dont think I open up to people very easily.
Gah ok.. sorry this was a boring post.
I'm off to work
Laters.. admire the blue skies everyone
Friday, November 14, 2008
Darker days...
This semester has started me questioning my abilities to do honours. If I can't cope now... what makes me think that I could ever survive honours.
I'm scared... Scared in my world of isolation... waiting for the skies to clear again.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
The Recount
On the 18th of October I held my 21st party as most of u already know by now. I was actually really scared on the day of the 18th because I didnt think that anything would go right and that people would not come =( Bit with that thought aside I got ready and dressed in a little less than 2 hours. HEY Thats pretty good I reckon cos it includes the time it took for me to do my nails and hair too. (Technically my sister did my hair for me but same thing!)
Lisa's parents picked me up to take us into the city. We were to dinner.. must eat if I was planning to drink. I think I told all of you my plans to remain elegantly tipsy on the night...
Anyway we met the boys at the city. Dinner was just Lisa, Ed, Ali and I and we went to uncle Billy's for dinner. The food was ok as usual (truth is I actually can't remember much of what we ate... it must have been the champange). Dinner was good.. i remember being so comfortable. The boys and Lisa paid for dinner and everything I felt sooo bad but thanks guys!!Since Lisa and Ed had to wait for RongChyi me and Ali started walking to Luxe in hope that I would arrive before the guests. Well.. I definately arrived before the guests... it only took less than 20mins to get there i think? It was a good walk. The place was packed already before I even got there.. that irritated me a bit.. but that is life. Bamboo at Luxe is actually a really nice place.. like the setting is quite good.. too bad that the organisers are crap and misleading. Lots of little hiccups throughout the night.. like the lack of VIP line when I was told there would be one.. cake being a slight problem.. *grumbles* but I guess I'm over it. Just never going back again!
Everyone slowly rocked up and I actually had quite a good time at Bamboo.. got to talk to quite a few people and it was nice to see everyone together again. I thanks everyone for coming.. especially u guys because u really helped me a lot that night from keeping people entertained, to helping me take photos, to giving me water!!! and most of all for helping me maintain as stress.free as possible. I really wish I took a group shot too!
Cake turned out ok.. thanks to Jie Jie and Johnny who organised most of the stuff.. =) I should have done the speeches then noooo... so I missed out on speeches sorry I made u guys prepare them for nothing =(
Camwhores at KTV
Then off to KTV.. quite frankly I dont really remember much interesting happening at KTV.. I heard the drama and I knew it sorta on the night but somehow I don't know why I didnt do anything about it. I remember distinctly sitting on the stairs of Joy Gardens and talking to mish and alan. And I remember the sink.. and the bag.. and being super tired and the rest is kind of history. I regret not being more sober to so that I could make sure everyone did enjoy themselves? But one question ... how come everyone else was so sober????!!! *sighs*
The next morning was not pretty... not pretty at all as I think I emptied my entire stomache and lost about 5kg (yups I weighted myself). But thanks to everyone for the well wishing smses.. it amused me while I was lying in bed wanting to throw up again. Yes. Lesson Learnt. Luckily I didnt get busted.. cos the night before.. mum saw me walk into the door and despite being a bit out of it.. I pull a very good sober person. Nah. I really wasnt drunk which helped!All in all the night was an ok experience for me and I really hope everyone had fun (even tho it was wat 3 weeks ago!)
The Week ahead from the 18th was a bit of a rocky road. My 60% lab report was due on the 27th so I spent the rest of the week rushing, finalising, fixing and writing it. I literally almost broke me. I was so down in that week.. I dont know how many times I wanted to give in. On the very first second to my birthday tho I got a little jolt of hope.. Nic called to wish me happy birthday =) It had been a while since I heard from her and It was a nice break from my lab report. I spent most of my Birthday actually writing my report. But the night before the girls and I went for a short Ktv seesh plus dinner (and peking duck in mishies case). Had to leave early to of course keep working on the report.. but I dont think I would have survived the week without it. Thanks guys.
So more than anything I want to thank you guys for making my 21st birthday so memorable and special to me. Each and every one of you all mean so much to me.. and I hope that I show it. I appreciated all the time and effort you guys put in to make me smile =) Where would I be without you all?
On one last note. I wanted to make a special thank you to the people on that list. Particularly Mishie who was mainly in responsible for organising the list. Yup the List of people who were willing to contribute money to have nicole flown over from Singapore as a surprise for the night of my birthday. I'm really sorry it didnt work out but I was soo touched by the mere thought of it, thankyou guys really. I haven't got a full list but hopefully I will get it off mishie and post my thank you up here after exams =)
Ok to end this awfully long post. I think I would just like to add.. isn't it quite fitting that this is my ...... 100th post. Yay .. this blog has made it thus far.
Thanks for reading guys and normal blogging should return soon.. yeah its exam period so watch for the more emo posts.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Dear Nicole,
Remember that you deserve so much more and never settle for anything less.
Keep Smiling and Alway remember to stay Happy!!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Notice of MIA
Yes the date to my 21st plans is approaching ... and approaching fast at that. Everyone keeps asking me if i'm excited. I guess I am.. more than anything I'm hoping that everything works out ok and that everyone will have an ok time. I think tho at the same time I don't want the day to come so soon because that would mean I wouldn't have anything to look forward to anymore. There is still a lot of issues that need to be sorted out tho. Lots of small things which all add up.. but all in all I think it will be ok. I guess I am excited =)
I was quite the productive panda last week.. I think I finished a total of 5 assignments last week.. lets see.. two mini ones for money, banking and financial markets, two sets of presentation slides and then the group assignment for banking theory and practice. Not bad rite? And I did it all without a single drop of tear.. are we proud? On top of that I managed to take my sister to Spring Feast. It wasn't as good this year as it was in 2005 when I first knew about Spring Feast... but none the less it was a good experience.. you know with Happy Karage and all =)
The resident Lovable Loser and I
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Invites are done. I only made a few...
Uni is getting busier these past few weeks.. mainly coz all the assignments are due soon. I'm usually busier in the second half of the year anyways. Just hoping to get on top of everything.. so far? not doing too bad.. but just see me complain when the assignments are actually due. On top of that I really need to consider working on my 60% lab report for my research unit. It is due in just less than a month from now. Very scary stuff. But at least that means one less exam =) Which reminds me A BIG THANK YOU TO MY PARTICIPANTS. Due to ethics I won't mention ur names tho =)I hates all those peoples on break atm. They are giving me the cruisy life.. its all geeewd feeling. When really I should be panicking and productive. Someone give me motivation please. Someone give me something to look forward to. On the second of December 2007 I made a promise after watching LeeHom live that I would be happy for a whole year after that concert. I think it's time for a renewal hehe
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Last night it was Brendan's 21st. He was celebrating a tad late! I didn't know anyone there!! No one at all (except Canh). At first it was a bit awkard because I felt like I didn't belong.. but Brendan was a good host and attempted to introduce me to everyone at his party. He didn't get far.. I think he got to one person. hehe but then his brother came to chat with us which was pretty cool. He's whole family is really nice.. guess thats why he's a such a nice person. It runs in the family. Most memorable part of Brendan's birthday celebrations was the speeches. They were soo good and funny. They even made a video which was absolutely hilarious! Very touching speeches from his family and friends. And wow what one of the guys said really struck me. Brendan will be a doctor at the age of 22!!! That is so amazing.. but he really deserves it. Can't believe it has been so long since our chinese school days.
Me, Nic and Mishie ready for a night out!
Gah woke up early today too.. tired? not really. BUT I HAVE TO START STUDYING! I'm serious!! I will finish the first 1.5 weeks of material by tonite! If not I will not sleep! That is my promise! Laters Guys....
Friday, September 12, 2008
Easily Pleased
Anyway we went to our weekly chill place next door for dessert. Well A drink anyway.. I couldn't finish it. I usually get the milk tea which I absoultely love and can't wait to have when I'm in HK next year... But I just realised that it was making me sick everytime I had it. I think its the milk.
How cool huh!?
Heheh I absolutely LOVE parcels .. but doesn't everyone?!? I was totally not expecting this one. Its from Deloitte. They sent be a very pretty introduction file and a nice letter just to welcome me to the summer program later on this year =) But then again I must say I am easily pleased aren't I? hehehe
Monday, September 8, 2008
I Feel Bleh!
Nic and Lisa's Graduation was today. Its so weird seeing everyone graduate and not graduate yet yourself. I think that's will be weird for me next year when I graduate alone... unless I have Caz at the same graduation day. But it was also good to see them graduate. After the many all nighters up with Nic working on lab reports and essays, its finally all worth it for her. And then Lisa, who we always teased for being a slacker with 7 hours of uni a week hahaha nah we had our times too.. with political science essays all the way back in first year and then Chinese which we originally thought was an easy ride (boy were we wrong). Congratulations guys! Sorry no photos coz as I said earlier.. I'm having a fat day and I look like a panda in all the photos!
Booked my venue last Saturday. Deposit paid and all. Right now it all looks too good to be true, but just have to hope that the guy got the date right and that I get an invoice/receipt soon! Getting worried. Am working with Mishie atm to design pretty invites for you all, so stay tuned.
... no one is online. I really need someone to talk to atm. NO. I must remain strong and independent! This is the year of independence! right?!?
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Routine That Is Not So Routine
Studying for mid sems atm ( I know I said enough complaining... +.+) So tiring. I'm getting so confused at the payoffs for forward and futures contracts. Long call, long put, short call, short put. Its all a mess in my head that needs to be addressed asap. I guess that only means more nights studying.
Apart from the study life.. I'm starting to plan my 21st now. I have a venue in mind already and I've told some of you already. For the rest its just gonna be a surprise. But I think I'm planning a two part thing. Part one is drinks, part two is KTV. Only coz I know a lot of my friends don't like KTV.. so there is the option of only showing up for the drinks if u fall into that category! Even with all that said though, these plans are still speculative. Mainly cos I haven't figured out how I'm going to fund my 21st. *Should really have thought about it before*. Started drawing up a guest list too. Atm the draft I wrote in the car stands at about 70.. but I dont think everyone will turn up. So I dunno how this is all going to work. I mite not end up booking a function room then, and instead just make everyone meet there and have some sort of a bar tab system. I guess I'm not as popular as *some* people LOL. Speculative date is the 17th of October. (I should stop using the word speculative.. its reminding me of my mid sem.) The week after Jase's actually!.. But I'm just not as organised when it comes to planning.
Ok I think I'm done procrastining... time to hopefully get productive!
Laters guys.. let me know what U all think about my plans and if anyone has any ideas =)
oo BTW where is everyone? I don't know it feels like I havent seen peoples for a long time (minus yesterday which was good). Fishie where art thou?
Friday, August 29, 2008
A Little Bit of Everything
Can U see My Bags?
So 1am sleep.. and needed to get the 7.33am bus in the morning to make my interview. I was going to be hard. But I managed it. Not a yawn at all. It must have been the adrenaline. I was actually in St George's Terrace like and hour early. So I went for breakfast and walked around a bit. It been quite cold lately hasn't it. Then I strolled into the reception at 9.45-ish and waited. During the wait I was talking to another applicant from Murdoch. He seemed to calm my nerves down quite a bit. Then I got called in. He asked me a few simple questions and it was all over in less than 20 minutes. I was super scared now. The lady who arranged the interview with me said that it would take about 30 minutes. AND but the time I came back out, the guy I was talking to was still siting in the reception area. But I did all I could and all that was left was the waiting game. They said they would get back to me in 24 hours.
So I waited.. morning passed... afternoon passed.... even the night passed and yet nothing. I was really starting to worry now. Imagine going through all that and not being offered a position. I woke up this morning.. still nothing... when to uni and came home.. nothing. Nothing until 4.17pm the expected call finally came. I was offered a summer vacation position. FINALLY! I jumped up and down for at least an hour. So So happy! But even before the offer was made to me, I told Caz that I like the interview process (minus the waiting). I actually found it all really fun =)
So that was my week.. and throw in a few hours of study every night of course.. as I said mid sems are coming up. Gah all is good and I am tired. Time for bed. Night guys ... *waves*
Monday, August 25, 2008
Made my Day

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
6am Should Be illegal
I'm at uni this early on a Wednesday to meet up with my group members at 9am to compile and edit our research proposal. I finished the bit allocated to me yesterday nite. But I don't know if I'm 100% happy with it. I guess I'll just wait to see what the rest think.
I think I just woke up this week to realise that uni has actually started. Its a bit late, I know, but this semester is actually really really hard. Banking expects us to know accounting and I haven't done accounting since first year. THAT WAS 3 YEARS AGO! Getting left behind again. I will spend tomorrow trying to catch up and read and study and work hard. After I get up from sleeping in that is! After all I'm dreading today's 9-5pm without any breaks!
The birthdays have not stopped. I think there is at least one every week. GAH. And then there is planning for my own. I still need to check out my potential venue. Prices. Guest list. Invites (actually mishie I think I allocated this to u in my mind hehehe). I kinda know I am running out of time... but so much effort! Is it worth it? No more pro and con lists.. they just give me a head ache.
Looking around, uni is really becoming a different place to me. The faces have changed, and even passerbys don't have that familiar warmth anymore. What happened to all the fun and games. What happened to all the "study sessions". What happened to James Oval... its cold, empty and missing. Its strange because there are so many memories here... I'm not really ready to leave. But if I don't I'll be left behind again. Left behind and lost in the memories and nostalgia...
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Keeping Busy
May all important specialist research unit is on this semester too. My topic is craving and addictions. I'm not quite sure how my research proceeding is going to go at the moment, but I hope its all sorted soon. I don't think we're even in groups yet.... and the ethics proposals have to be handed in in like 2 weeks +.+ This is the last unit I need a distinction for to qualify for entrance into honours. Fingers crossed this semester goes well.
At Nhung's extravagant 21st Birthday. She Looked sooo pretty that day =)
After Nhung's KTV with Jacque (middle) and Alecia (left).
Jacque with her awesome voice practising for the Utopia comps.
Lisa is excited to be starting a new age... a bit too excited?
Camwhoring.. but not looking at my cam
So I've been kinda busy lately with all the birthdays and lunches, dinners, catch ups... and Jason Mraz. Was gonna do a full review of it all.. but I think its too much into the past already. I think I'll just post up a few random photos. I didn't bring a camera to Jason Mraz tho, but I did love the concert. It was at the Capitol and PACKED.. I bought the tickets like months ago coz nic really wanted to go. It was meant to start at 7.30, but even tho Nic and I got there on time.. the HUGGGGE line meant that we didn't get in until about 8.30-9!! But it was ok, coz the supporting acts came first and we didn't miss a minute of Jason Mraz. Favourite song of the night? Definitely Geek in the Pink. I was the only song I had heard going into the concert and the last song sang on the night. That was a truly awesome experience.
Ok I'm done with this post! It took me forever. I hate it coz I write half a post and then continue another day.. and then it all doesn't feel right. Sorry. I'll b a better blogger next time .. Promise.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Not my week
I have a patch on my shoulder. I finally went to the doctors to remove the small lump on my shoulder. It wasn't anything serious tho, just got it removed. AND MAN DID IT HURT!! Who ever said anesthetic removes all pain? THEY HAVE TO GIVE U THE ANESTHETIC NEEDLES FIRST AND THAT KILLS!!! I also stupidly enough decided to do the cervical cancer needle that day too. So I couldn't move both sides of my body and was stuck on my back wriggling around like and over turned turtle. But I've somewhat recovered by now. The wound still hurts though and stitches won't be removed till another week and a half. Its annoying coz the doctor said I can't go to the gym. So I gotta sit here and get fat! Grrz.
Apart from that pain.. I've been getting hurt a lot.. burned fingered, bruised knees, stomach pains. Must be because of my clumsiness. *sighs* I need another week off to sleep. No! I sleep too much.. wasting away my life!! And because of that I think I'm gonna practise singing more. I need my voice back.. or at least what I had before, coz rite now my voice is so low. So yes more practise. OOoO and back to Jap.. I'm losing it all again.. lack of practise too I think. Need to do something about it. But its all just words huh..
Today was meant to be the first day of uni for me. Got to uni at about 11:30. Walked into the class at about 11:50. empty. Yups.. woke up early, took one and a half hours worth of public transport, braved the cold and rain. All just to have people tell me that, that unit starts in second week! What a waste of time. So I went to the city to buy myself a pair of uni shoes. Plus to look around for birthday presents. Why are there soooo many birthdays in August *cries*
So tomorro I really start the first day of uni. 9-5pm with a 4 hour gap for the first week. Wow I really wonder how I would last 9-5 on a typical week. I don't think I have the same breaks as everyone this sem :(
Alrite a new semester a new start. Go hard at it everyone Aja Aja Hwaiting!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Home Alone
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I Love it When it Rains
Results came out today. I am sooOooooo happy with what I got. I was gonna say except... but I think thats in the pat already so I'll leave it as in so happy :)
Came across a new Taiwanese artist a few days ago and I must say I am super impressed with him. His name is Xiao Hong Ren. As a singer its good a very nice voice.. I think singing comes to him naturally. His songs are quite unique too. Many of his songs have a mix of Taiwanese and Mandarin. In generally te songs have a very nice feel to it. I think this guy really has potential. Lets see how he will go. One of my fav songs that he sings is called "Kan Mei Luo Qu" but its meant to be pronounced in Taiwanese or Hokkien. It has a very original feel to it. Anyway you can preview the song here. Let me know if you like it :)
Saturday, July 5, 2008
The week that was
I skipped metro's that nite tho. Mainly cos it was raining and I didnt want mummy to worry so I got home at a record early time. OK So not so record but early for a post exam celebration. AND I DIDNT EVEN DRINK.. bah!
With Risa-san... and mish trying to sneak in!
Full shot with Mishie
*Mish and Grace*
Caming it up
Wednesday. This was the day before Nic left to Singapore. At first I didnt wanna go ou. I was already very very exhausted from the happenings earlier in the week. But I gave in. Especially because Nic was leaving the next morning. So we went out for icey ice. Not that I ordered one. But Yes.. maybe I will tr it properly one day. AFter that we went to the spice lounge for some cocktails. MmmM Cocktails. I had a Mango Daiquiri. YummmY. Nic ordered a threesome. A threesome on a Beach. LOL the waiter was very cute "umm yea.. U guys have the numbers so U don't need my help". Must say I do like the spice lounge. May it was the daiquiri that made me say that. Nic left already. She must be in Singapore already. The lucky duck gets to go to Italy soon. Have a great time there Nic U deserve it.
Thursday morning. Woke up a bit earlier. Mishie came over to supply my addiction. LOL fandom addiciton that is. We DBSKed the whole afternoon.. but I dont think my addicition has been settled yet. I am yet to camp out at Mish's. Need to do that soon. Along with my whole list of things to do. oooooo shanraleses (can't spell it but it has been in my head all day) bonjour! I mean Bonzuer tee hee hee

Isn't this pretty.. This is From 6thJune

This one is also from Yesstyle's site but is by Amadore
(This would have made my list=( )
Maybe I should have considered being an ambassator for Yesstyle LOL.. I wish..
Ok I am done with this extremely painfully long post. Laters!
Monday, June 30, 2008
以前相信的事實好像變了一個謊. 可能我想了太簡單, 可能是應為我太希望這幅畫是生活裡面的美麗. 太幼稚了. 別再發白日夢. 世界上根本沒有什麼童話故事. 快樂是真的那麼難得到嗎?
為什麼那些快樂的日只留下一個已經不熟悉的背影. 我已經走了太遠了... 但是還追不上回忆。
Friday, June 27, 2008
The after effect
Me and Tammy (Sorry Tammy I like this Pic)
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Finish what you start

thanks for the support guys.. u guys know who u are
Monday, June 16, 2008
What has hapened to me..
On the verge of breaking down and giving up t-7
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Need for Productivity
Hahahah Tammy pointed out that in my hibernation ban I stated that I would not go out until the 26 of November which would most definately kill me. No my ban is only till the 26th of June .. sorry misprint. I don't know what I was thinking.. actually I must have not been thinking! But it's nice to know that at I have at least one reader in this blog of mine.
Lunch today at Northbridge Chinese Dim Sum with Tammy, Ruth, Alan and Rudy. Food was actually quite good today. I haven't been to Northbridge Chinese for a while. I think because I got sick of it in the early days. But I think it might make it back on to my list. What more could u ask for rite.. good food, good company... ooo.. I would like to ask for a ban on exams! GRRRZZ
Ok enough ranting for today.. I know this was my excuse to procrastinate. damn!
Laters *waves*
Monday, June 9, 2008
Stupid Studying
There is so much I don't know and I think I've underestimated everything. I think I've underestimated this whole semester. I'm being to be terrified by the lack of motivation I possess. No wonder I'm nothing but mediocre BAH!
Need to get over this phase... asking for help.. someone show me the light at the end of the tunnel please?
Saturday, June 7, 2008
String of Thoughts
Sitting through endless ilectures is so tedious. The thing is i've been to all these lectures, just rewatching these lectures to help with the study. I'm re-doing all the psych lectures.. and at first I didnt think it was that much. I only had 8 psych lectures this year.. so not tooooo bad rite.. oo but they are 2 hour lectures! So, so far I have done.. 6.8/8 lectures. What happened to the 0.2 of the seventh lecture? umm.. I'm doing it now while i'm blogging >.<
I actually quite worried about this set of exams. I dunno if its the fact that they are all consecutive again that is worrying me, but more that I just don't know how I'm going to do in these exams. Particularly psych, clueless on what they could/would ask.
On that note I think I shall publicise my hibernation here. I am making an effort to not go out from now to the end of my exams on the 27th of November 2008. This includes dinner and lunches. And arrangements that I have made prior shall be kept, so don't worry Tammy I am still up for lunch on the day we planned. So my life for the next 3 weeks shall revolve around work, study and gym. I guess that's a good thing. I need to get back into my gym regime anyway. Been a bit slack recently just because its too cold to get out of bed recently. Not good.. I'm gaining weight back that I previously lost.
Jie Jie is in New York right now. I'm so jealous. I wish I was there with her. She sounds like she is having an awesome time and is shopping like crazy. I can't believe she told me she was sick of shopping the other day *rolls eyes*. I'm gonna be super jealous when she goes to Japan.
Which reminds me.. I think I wanna continue learning Jap. I mite have to do it in Tafe or something though because it doesn't fit in my uni units properly. But I really love learning Jap. This mite mean I have to give up on Korean temporarily. I found out curtin is the only place which offers a proper Korean course, so I think Korean mite have to wait a while. I'm quite disappointed at that really. But I guess since I have learnt a lot more Jap this semester it's more practical to continue with Jap. ii desu ne!
Man it's gettin late.. better go and finish off the stupid topic on interest rates for monetary economics (yup finished the seventh ilecture already) before I go to bed.
Good nite guys.. hope you all are studying hard.
Till another day... wait for me?
Monday, May 12, 2008
One Second later...
I don't know why I was so tired yesterday. I finished my lab report earlier than I had expected which was definately awesome for me. So I spent most of the day DBSKing in my break from work. It was very much needed especially coz the assignments kept coming and still have not stopped.. its exhausting.. but even more exhausting to stop and think about it all. That and the fact that someone has been rubbing DBSK love in my face* cough cough* mish! *cough.. choke cough*
Anyway I went in for the dinner shift and I must have been so tired from the lack of sleep the night before that I went straight through a roundabout without seeing a car approaching on my left. It was so close to hitting me.. and hitting me (my driver's door) straight on. The person braked .. so hard u could almost hear the screeching tires. Blinded by their headlights for a split second as I didnt manage to stop. I drove off leaving the car in shock... but realising the error of my actions and with an enormous guilt of putting another individual in such a state of trauma.
My sister was in the car with me too.. I think I scared her majorly.. maybe because she saw the car coming and I didn't.
One second later I think this would have been a different story. But I was definately awaken by the bright lights of the 4wd.
... life is definately taken for granted sometimes ...
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Eight Letter Word Stamped on My Forehead
Then without noticing you let urself... you let urself daydream a little and then u begin to imagine yourself in the situation.. imagining the possibility. AND then worse of all U plan... you plan based on your expectations.
In actual fact, you had just set a trap for urself. A trap where all the pieces of your house of card have just collapsed in your face and you're left wondering how U let urself get to this stage.. let urself want it in the first place.
I got the email from Deloittes today.. after waiting for the call the whole day and rushing home from my Jap class (which I was late to). My application would not be processed any further for the Dream Team Competition 2008. Disappointed is the understatement of the century.. but I don't regret applying of course.
Just made me think and question myself... I dont think my Hong Kong Internship plans are going to go ahead. I will still try for them.. but I'm just not sure about it at all anymore. I'm really not sure about any internship plans actually...
Feeling scarred (by that word) and vulnerable..
Friday, April 4, 2008
Two days of progress?
So what did I accomplish? Well... I finished that cover letter! .. AND.. I submitted my application for dream team last night too. A whole day early can U believe it? [Fingers crossed that I get accepted for the competition because I really do feel that this would be a good challenge to know what it's like out there, and whether or not I can cope.] On top of that, I got some study done, a bit of readings and sleep. So it was a good two days for my academics. Hopefully going to continue the trend for the weekend, even tho there seems to be a bit planned for Saturday.
5 weeks of uni have passed already. I think I have learnt quite a lot, but even so I am falling a bit behind. So plan... TRY HARDER! STUDY MORE!
I think I'm broker than I've ever been. I don't understand how tho, I haven't been out, haven't gone shopping, haven't even lunched for such a long long long loooong time. Its all crazy! SAving money sucks. But I guess its for Taiwan plans so all worth it in the end?!? Rite? (someone convince me that I'm doing the right thing coz I really feel like going on a YeaAsia splurge).
hmmm... do you sometimes feel that there is something bigger out there planned for you. I dunno why this feeling sweeps over me from time to time. I'm excited, but maybe it's me just daydreaming. hehe still good daydreams.
Nope.. too bad.. I was gonna upload a picture of an empty gelare's waffle plate, but I'm too lazy rite now. Went waffling 2 weeks in a row now (on Tuesday of course.. saving remember). Once with Nic, Lu and Mishie, and then this week with Caz and Mishie. O btw Caz did u actually end up finishing that question before we went waffling ? =p
Okay now I know I'm just drifting with my thoughts so I better go do something more productive.. like gym or sleep.