Friday, April 4, 2008

Two days of progress?

So hibernation happened. Turned off everything for 2 days. Yups a whole two days.. that's my story and I'm sticking to it. It was kinda a relief at times to know that it was off. I dunno why, but yesterday walking to the bus stop It felt good knowing that my phone was off. It was kinda free-ing. heheh doesn't mean I want to do it again tho. Its good once in a while, but I'm glad I'm back into the civilised world.

So what did I accomplish? Well... I finished that cover letter! .. AND.. I submitted my application for dream team last night too. A whole day early can U believe it? [Fingers crossed that I get accepted for the competition because I really do feel that this would be a good challenge to know what it's like out there, and whether or not I can cope.] On top of that, I got some study done, a bit of readings and sleep. So it was a good two days for my academics. Hopefully going to continue the trend for the weekend, even tho there seems to be a bit planned for Saturday.

5 weeks of uni have passed already. I think I have learnt quite a lot, but even so I am falling a bit behind. So plan... TRY HARDER! STUDY MORE!

I think I'm broker than I've ever been. I don't understand how tho, I haven't been out, haven't gone shopping, haven't even lunched for such a long long long loooong time. Its all crazy! SAving money sucks. But I guess its for Taiwan plans so all worth it in the end?!? Rite? (someone convince me that I'm doing the right thing coz I really feel like going on a YeaAsia splurge).

hmmm... do you sometimes feel that there is something bigger out there planned for you. I dunno why this feeling sweeps over me from time to time. I'm excited, but maybe it's me just daydreaming. hehe still good daydreams.

Nope.. too bad.. I was gonna upload a picture of an empty gelare's waffle plate, but I'm too lazy rite now. Went waffling 2 weeks in a row now (on Tuesday of course.. saving remember). Once with Nic, Lu and Mishie, and then this week with Caz and Mishie. O btw Caz did u actually end up finishing that question before we went waffling ? =p

Okay now I know I'm just drifting with my thoughts so I better go do something more productive.. like gym or sleep.


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