Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Need for Productivity

What is wrong with me.. I'm not productive at all. I just can't sit here and do my work.. instead I sit and stare at this blank screen. Who knew the Asian Business essays would be so hard to prep. I don't know what is holding me back! *sighs* My self imposed deadline for essay number one is this Saturday. Lets hope I get it done in time >.<

Hahahah Tammy pointed out that in my hibernation ban I stated that I would not go out until the 26 of November which would most definately kill me. No my ban is only till the 26th of June .. sorry misprint. I don't know what I was thinking.. actually I must have not been thinking! But it's nice to know that at I have at least one reader in this blog of mine.

Lunch today at Northbridge Chinese Dim Sum with Tammy, Ruth, Alan and Rudy. Food was actually quite good today. I haven't been to Northbridge Chinese for a while. I think because I got sick of it in the early days. But I think it might make it back on to my list. What more could u ask for rite.. good food, good company... ooo.. I would like to ask for a ban on exams! GRRRZZ

Ok enough ranting for today.. I know this was my excuse to procrastinate. damn!

Laters *waves*

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