Monday, September 8, 2008

I Feel Bleh!

Yah, not feeling my best today. Not only have I written today off as a fat day.. I'm so tired that I can't concentrate on studying for tomorrow's exam. I think i've studied for it quite a bit already, but I think I still need the rest of tonight to cement everything into my brain. But with that said.. I could so fall asleep on the keyboard right now.

Nic and Lisa's Graduation was today. Its so weird seeing everyone graduate and not graduate yet yourself. I think that's will be weird for me next year when I graduate alone... unless I have Caz at the same graduation day. But it was also good to see them graduate. After the many all nighters up with Nic working on lab reports and essays, its finally all worth it for her. And then Lisa, who we always teased for being a slacker with 7 hours of uni a week hahaha nah we had our times too.. with political science essays all the way back in first year and then Chinese which we originally thought was an easy ride (boy were we wrong). Congratulations guys! Sorry no photos coz as I said earlier.. I'm having a fat day and I look like a panda in all the photos!

Booked my venue last Saturday. Deposit paid and all. Right now it all looks too good to be true, but just have to hope that the guy got the date right and that I get an invoice/receipt soon! Getting worried. Am working with Mishie atm to design pretty invites for you all, so stay tuned.

... no one is online. I really need someone to talk to atm. NO. I must remain strong and independent! This is the year of independence! right?!?

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