Thursday, June 14, 2007

ArrRggGGh! another imaginary boo hoo moment

I knew this day would come.. the day I would wake up and freak about how much needs to be done... *mutters* so much for my organisational skills

I'm gonna cry.. but i promised myself before that I wouldn't anymore...
I absolutely don't understand anything about finance.. nothing... and further i don't understand how I could go to all the lectures (ITF that is) and come out not knowing anything. Losing hope.

Sometimes I wonder why I do this.. I mean study something that I really have no passion about. I mean I like what I'm doing especially the psychology half, but with the economics half i have no intrinsic desire to know more... its just another indifference topic. Maybe it just coz its exam season or maybe it just coz i hate finance that I'm saying this.. but sometimes I wonder what I am planning to do with my life

I have 5 days left till my ITF exam and 6 days till IF and i have barely touched a chapter of ITF and I haven't started IF yet. I know most of u guys will tell me I will do fine... ad not to worry... but I dunno... what happened to all my confidence... its as if i left it in my dream (I had a good dream last nite btw hehhehe... but i don't exactly remember what it was about nemores =/)

I guess its back to the books for me.. hopefully the next time I blog I won't be as hopeless

short note: I miss MSN =(


Liisaa said...

yeah. me too. i find i lose interest in everything. when you put it through uni. i love media - put through uni - i hate it. i love asian culture - put thru uni and i hate it. so maybe.. i shouldnt do that pop culture unit - i might ending up hating it.

NoeLLe said...

maybe its coz we are kinda forced to do it.. and its no longer a hobby/intrest nemores...?

Michelle said...

well technically u chose to do it.

sometimes ur doing it because u started it and hell ur gonna fin it. even if u perish. which we all probably will.

ITF = I'm That Fucked. hee. it juz popped into my head -_-"

Nicole Lee said...

Heya Babe!

jiayou jiayou jiayou!

Its the dreadful period of every student's life!

Think of all the fun things after that!


Love, Nicole =)