Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I saw with my own eyes the colour of melody. I saw the fusion of light and dark and the conversation between each note. How each finger glided effortlessly into place and a dance of superior grace. The illusion of the artist and the awe of the audience.. each one needing the other. But then in a blink .. its already all over.. you are left with the intensity of amiration and amazement. The it dawns... 我沒有這種天分.


The days have been getting busier.. maybe because I like it that way. I like the urge to be occupied, knowing that u are contributing in some way. Havent had the chance to slump in front of the TV yet.. but I will make time soon. Was that just a contridiction of myself?

Today was full... of little pleasant surprises. I began the day with this

hehe It's the Key to my Heart XDD

Secondly, Lee hom Tickets are now comming to life. I finally found a seller and Nic has orgainsed to pick up the tickets soon. Thanks Nic =). It was the cheapeest tickets I could find too costing $130 for two tickets. Talk about awesome.
And then little things like lunch with Laura at the dome, bumping into Mish and Rudy, last minute movies, secrets and SINGAPORE TALK!!
It all sounds so good.
But for now.. noelle needs sleep. Sorry got used to speaking in thrid person after playing circle of death at Ed's event last nite.
Will keep you all informed sooooon XD

1 comment:

FeLLi said...

WAhHHhHHH!!! SO PRETTY!!! i wanna see it in real! *GRAB GRAB* kekekke SEEU 2MOLO SEXY GIRL X)*LUV LUV*