Tuesday, August 21, 2007

.. where did the day go?

Today was meant to be a productive day.. whoops i forgot to enlarge the word MEANT.
But instead, what did it end up turning into:
  • Woke up late (even though I slept quite early last night)
  • Procrastinated the morning/afternoon away by laying in my bed thinking about Singapore plans and watched a episode of a K-Drama (yer Jase I said K-Drama!)
  • Went shopping at Gal, just briefly while I waited for mummy... don't worry, I didn't buy .... that MUCH heheh kidding.. I seriously didn't.
  • Procrastinated the evening away by attempting to play around with Photoshop.. trying to find a big enough photo of Jae Joong to put in next to Mishie (didn't find one.. gave up)
  • Been on here since god-knows-when MSN-ing and obviously now blogging (it was the better of the alternatives posed to me by Lisa)

YuP.. i think that pretty much explain how productive my day was. I know I've complained about this a million times or so.. but I'm sOOOO behind.. and I have no motivation to do anything about it. Even though I know how close mid-sems are.. even though I know how close my assignments are due from the date of my mid-sems and even though I know I'm going to regret not doing anything one month from now =/ Someone please.. smack some senses into me.. but do it lightly please..

I think I need a new pair of shoes.. Sketches maybe.. Still thinking, but not time for shopping. No time for serious shopping that is. oOO but i did stumble on a pretty cool pair of cons.. I wouldn't mine owning a pair of these =)

Wouldn't it be so cool to be wearing a pair of these to a Rain concert? heheh

*sigh* on another note..I don't know why.. but today.. I feel like crap.. Like physically, emotionally, spiritually feel like crap. I feel as if all the energy has been drained from me.. and I'm scared to say it.. but I feel anhedonic. Maybe I've just come to realise how confused I am about my direction in life.. I really dont know where I'm going and what I'm going to do. I just see myself as such a dependent person.. and right now.. I just don't know what to do? Sometimes I wish time would freeze for a while.. just for a while, so I can think.. think about the pathways in front of me and what is really most important. My mind is clouded by a sea of insecurities.. a sea so endless it shocks me out of reality...

...or maybe I just need to wake up tomorro and make a fresh new start. A productive one.

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