Monday, March 15, 2010

My Silent Corner

So while the world carries on with all its business that must be done.. I sit here and and write to the only people that are will to hear me rant at this point in time.

Maybe its just a case of monday-itis. But seriously, I can't take this anymore. Having to revise my proposal so many times that I have been driven insane. Everyone has told me that psychology honours is hard. We all know it. And yet tell me why again I am even doing this? So many people have told me to quit already. The only thing holding me to this is the fact that I am not a quitter. I'm a complainer. But I cannot quit. I must finish what I start. So what is it that is bothering me so much. Well, truth.. my fear of failure. I keep telling myself that its ok to fail.. fail means to learn.. if we don't make mistakes how do we learn? But somehow none of it goes in. I'm still scared as hell to fail. Someone help me.

Maybe its just that I need someone to talk to.. and not even about honours. It feels so lonely to be back in perth. I know I still have my friends.. but everyone is busy with their own things.. which is fair enough .. because we all must live our lives. Maybe it was just because I got used to having people in Taiwan. Living with Yuvina we talked heaps.. I mean like every night before we slept we would have our little chats.. and sometimes it was pretty random about our lives, what we did, where we want to go, the hilarious little event of the other day.. but I had someone there. I miss that.

Its 11pm.. I feel like going for a walk. Its not possible here. I feel like going to the rooptop of my Taiwan appartment and soaking up the atmosphere. Its something I won't get to do for a really long time..

Lets hope this is just a phase.

In pieces.

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