Wednesday, January 7, 2009


For the past week I've been spending my time perfecting and practising various dishes.. all in preparation for today. Today, I took over the kitchen... and I am *dead* T.T I can't believe I even have the energy to blog! But the thing is it wasn't even THAT busy, but I guess it was busy enough. Was good. I feel somewhat competent today and for once I feel productive =) Here are some of my practise dishes hehe just because I haven't had any photos on here for a while... neone hungry?

Curry Fish and Okra

Fried Vegetarian Noodles

Tang Yuan- For the Beginning of Summer Festival

TVXQ Cookies that I made during Exam Period

So holiday is in 4 days and counting. I am excited as ever! But I'll only b in Singapore for so little time =( so much to do but so little time. Am even more excited about HK and Macau because it will be a new journey, a new place to explore, a new way of life to observe. Ok so I make it sound like more of an adventure than it would actually end up being.. but it will be awesome cos I will make it awesome!!!

On the idea of adventure, I think my parents have really come to terms with my Taiwan trip. It seems to be coming to life. They are actually asking serious questions and even know that Mishie will only be in Taiwan with me for only one of the 2 months. On and new plans have been added to Taiwan--> Japan and Korea! So I am psyched!! If only I didn't forget so much of my Jap d'oh!

Tomorrow will be an awesome day too.. going out with the guys for a last catch up session before I leave. We'll be eating at KimChi House =) shall be super duper awesome *drools*. But I kinda regret not being able to catch up with very many people because I haven't done a very good job at organising catch up session... maybe thats why people drift away from me? *shrugs*

Ok I am done.. apologies for the random fotos.. proper fotos will be posted soon =) Nights everyone I think I deserve this sleep zzZZzz

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