Monday, February 18, 2008

All I have is U

It's almost 1am and when everyone other sane person out there is trying to sleep.. I need to talk. I know everyone else has work tomorro morning or is somehow busy with something else so all I really have right now is you.

Dont know why I'm feeling like this when I looked at those words. A conversation brought up my past (no nothing juicy to tell) and just led me back to all those old emails. If I ever wanted to remind myself of the person I was 6 years ago Hotmail has the answers. All those emails from all those people that once upon a time constructed my entire world. So much that was not forgotten.. but just burried deep deep within my memories. And those words that I thought would not hurt me ever again.. they still hurt. They hurt only because I never knew U of all people would think of me as that sort of person. Because you, I thought was someone who understood me... at least u always said u did. And I guess because you, who once was always there.. drifted to become a distant shadow. Was it my fault?.. The past should stay there and I shall never know.

Cannot let my thoughts carry me away and instead I shall resort to sleep to drown out the questions.. afterall tomorro is another day.

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