Tuesday, December 1, 2009


counting down the days.. and were in the teens ... 17days to be exact. Starting to get really scary and there is still al lot of things that need to be sorted before I leave. But things have been difficult lately because of how much I'm actually working at the moment. If I'm not working then im sleeping and vice versa. Its really tiring. I know I say it a lot be really.. I am tired and I need some time off!... keep counting... 17days.

To top things off my laptop is having troubles again. For some reason it won't connect to the internet. Which makes it really difficult for me to research things about taiwan e.g. concert dates and how to get tickets to things. I really hope I can sort it out soon. Especially since Ali already tried to fix it for me and yet nothing has changed still :(

I guess i'm going to wait for the new modem and see if anything changes then. *sigh* everything needs time and that exactly what I don't have... time

Its only 8pm and i'm exhausted already.
Guess I'll try to call it a night.

Hopefully see you all soon...

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