Wednesday, December 16, 2009

But a dream..

Five years ago, Taiwan was but a dream of mine. One that I always wanted to do.. but somehow still hadn't figured out how I would manage to make it all come true. I am now.. less than a week away from this dream of mine. I don't want to wake up.

Will you wait for me?

Today was my last day at work. Who knew that I would grow to love that place and the people so much. I'm not going to lie. 5ams were an absoulte biatch!!! ... no one would ever get used to those times. I remember even waking up at 6am on Saturdays thinking OH SHITE IM LATE FOR WORK!!! Gah. But in someway... they were managable.. and I got so familar with it all.. it was like second nature sorting the mail. Then there was the afternoon shift. In a surburb were the people for some reason as just asssssssss wholes (hehhe). And u felt like throwing things at them. Who could miss that right?... but to balance that I had the best crew.. the co-workers that once knew nothing about me, became my comfort zone. They built a bubble and protected me.. watched over my flaws and helped me with trouble customers. Ima miss that ... But as I had told them.. I will be back.. in 2 months... I will be back.
They all signed a card for me ='(
I'm only leaving for 2 months
The Front of the card hehe *points* thats Kylie
One more day. Back in Singapore. Will be good ... miss the food and Nic of course. I think it will be one of the last times I visit Singapore for a while. I dunno why.. but thats just what I feel.
I really need to figure out what to pack!! What can I not live without for 2 months?

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