Sunday, May 31, 2009

Can't sit still.

Must move. from. this. chair. every. 5 minutes. Gah. I don't know how I used to do it. I just can't seem to focus and study. I know I get like this every now and then. Its always when I don't get my fix of social-ness. Easy answer right? SO GO OUT?!?! *sighs* not so easy. I should have been out yesterday when the whole world was. But what was I doing? Figetting at home. Lame.

Only 3 exams stand in the way of me and graduation. I can't believe that time has really gone by so quickly. The other day I was walking thru the uni.. handing in my last assignment. And it hit me... soon this uni wouldn't be my other home. It won't be mine anymore. hehehe but yes.. I do have my honours year- if i'm planning to continue.

On the note of graduation. I have no idea which one I should attend. Econs or Arts (Psych). Honestly I don't think I know anyone from either. Must be a result of me being such a hermit. *sulks*. So maybe it should just come down to colours. I think the colours are pink and blue. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. I'm kinda excited about graduation day... its like my second birthday lol. All the hard work to be paid off like that. I think I'm going to be looking for a photographer too. Mite have to find friends of friends or something... I am offering lunch for being my photographer lol too little? I just want to take some nice shots around the uni. I wanna get a UWA jumper too and take photos around the uni with it as well. Make up for all the lack of camwhoring this year. Well there is still a while away till that happens. AND even though I'm begining to forget ... I ACTUALLY HAVE TO PASS THE EXAMS TO GRADUATE RIGHT!

Been a bit of a hectic week last week. Handed in 60% lab report. Quality- unsure now.. after handing it in my group discussed what we wrote in our discussions. I feel dumb. The presentation was that day too. It when quite ok I think. I ended up writing the opening of my speech on my palm tho... and looked at it *shudders in shame*. But other then that I think it was good. The class played the game I asked them to so yay! Then on Wednesday was the music concert performance. OMG I was soooooooo scared it wasn't funny. At the time of the concert, I still had not figured out when to stop for the solo piece in the middle +.+. And because of that I stuffed up mid performance- and continued again on track. Ali, Edshi and Janice came to watch. I thank them ^-^ and applogise for them having to endure it. I had an awesome night tho. Dinner afterwards was hilarious and so homely- I don't know how to describe the feeling other than I could just be myself. Anyways thanks guys. And then finally- my last assignment had to be handed in on Friday. An esemble report that I thought would be easier than it was. I wrote it twice. How annoying. But it got done- as they do. And that was my week. *phew* looking back on it now it seems like an awful lot to do in a week. But that is good. I feel productive.

I think thats all the ramblings I have in me at the moment. Stay tuned for exam depression. Bleh. So predictable right. lol but then 6 months break here I come XD

Shall see u soon my trustly blog-ears.

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