Wednesday, March 9, 2011

== Unemployment

Sitting in Ms.Cooper's class trying to understand the concepts of Economics and listening to her explain the Australian definition of the Unemployment Rate.

"The unemployment rate is the proportion of individuals willing and able to work, but cannot find a job. "

Little did I know that I would be part of that percentage today. *sad face* It has been just over a month since I came back from my holidays... and whilst I admit I didn't start the job hunt immediately... I'm starting to feel the desperation. I don't like the idea of being part of that statistic I learnt so much about in my studies. I guess no one really does. But who would have thought that I would be here. I guess it never really occurred to me that I would be unemployed straight after graduation. That I wouldn't be one of the lucky ones that go from one life stage (University) straight to the next (Working). Naive. That's what it is. I am naive.

I know there are others just as bad.. or have been looking for longer.. giving me little reasons to complain. But I just wanted to say... if you didn't know it already... UNEMPLOYMENT SUCKS!

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