Friday, December 3, 2010


This has been a little bit of a hard week for me. For many reasons.. of which I don't think I have the heart at the moment to divulge. It seemed that I'm been pushing myself to just get through this week.. pushing myself to be strong and not let it all affect me too much. It has been hard. Really hard.

Sometimes I do wonder if I just put myself through everything just to feel human. I really don't know. But regardless.. that is not even the point on this blog post today.

The point of this post is that although this has been a physically and emotionally straining week for me there are two people who have really surprised me. In a good way that is. One is an old friend of mine who I have known for a few years. It felt as if we were drifting apart.. but this week I really felt as if this person has never second guessed the type I person I am. And with this faith in me I am surprised and so very grateful.. because it made me feel as if I didn't need words to explain who I am or what I am doing .. they already know. *love*

The second person this week surprised me the most. I feel like such a selfish person after talking to her. But I was touched at how much she cared. This second person is one of my co-workers. Ok, at work I'm a pretty mysterious person. No-one knows much about me.. I hadn't been working with them enough to be able to let them get to know me so well.. so I'm not as close to my co-workers as I could be. But as this week has been so straining.. Its shown ever so clearly that things have been on my mind.. that I have been upset. Today was the last day of the week. Its a huge sigh of relief. But as usual after work at the post office, I turn into the dinner shift at the restaurant. I had been feeling the weight of the week and was exhausted. Mum let me rest in my car while it was quiet. That's when I got a phone call from an unknown number. I picked up not knowing what to expect. I was my co-worker just calling me to see if I was ok. She knew about the rough week .. and I thought I could help her with something (I thought that's why she called) but no.. she called solely to see if I was ok. She gave me advice and talked to me about everything. But mostly what I heard was how much she cared. She has restored me faith in people.. and her phone call really made my day. It was only 10mins .. on the phone (even if I saw her at work today) .. and it made my day.

In any case. To both these two surprises in this very tough week.. I say thank you. U guys make me stronger.


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