***Thursday- 2nd July***
Life was getting a bit boring and depressing since I haven't found a job yet... I feel as if I am wasting away my life sleepin about 12hours a day and on facebook for the rest of it. It was all getting just a bit sad.. ok so not just a bit.. but extremely. So I decided to drag myself out of bed and head into work.. even though I don't usually go to the resturant on Thursdays I thought I would since I have nothing better to do and mum said it would be good for me to get out of the house more. So, like every morning I started my day with a shower... but when showering I heard the faint sound of the phone ringing outside. It rang at least 3 times. I knew it was my parents but I figured I'm heading into work anyway so it wouldn't matter if I don't pick up. Anyways I finished my shower got changed and was ready to leave. At that point- the phone rang again. I wasn't going to pick up but then I was worried that my parented wanted me to bring something from home or wanted me to go buy something. So I picked up. It was dad. He said he had good news since he knew I was so bored at home. He said I could go to the concert. At I was like huh? Which one (knowing that the Dong Bang one had already passed)? And then he said Jay Chou!! I didn't believe him- why would I right?!? Plus how the hell would I get tickets it was Thursday and the concert was tomorrow!!! But Mum and Dad said that if I could get tickets I could go and that dad would pay for my flights XD. Once I believed they were serious... the rush hit me! Talked to my sister and told her.. she was coming too.. and at that point we went hyper. I found tickets called up the seller and told her I wanted the tickets and would confirm with her when I booked flights. Flight booking was crazy.. all the flights for Thursday night were fully sold out so we had to fly in on the day of the concert- flying at 6 am... giving us less than 10 hrs to book everything, pack and fly! It was such a hectic day but we managed and the mention of Jay drove us more excited!... I don't think I slept much that night.
***Friday- 3 July***
Flight at 6am ... OMG so early but definately not a day I wanted to sleep in on. The flight itself was kinda crap. Really uncomfortable... and worse still a 5 hour flight to Sydney turned into a 6 hour flight. We were delayed one hour because there was no where to land!?! We were hell annoyed.. especially since the girl I bought Jay's tickets from was waiting for me at the airport. She must've thought I wouldn't come and had just ditched her... I hope she waited.. I hoped with every ounce of my life. We arrived in Sydney at about 1pm called the seller immediately and thankfully she was still there waiting for me XD!! She was definately the nicest person I met in Sydney and not just because she sold me Jay Chou tickets at $400 for 2 VIP rear zone. Her name was Hong and she was awesome! She even got us on the after party guestlist where Jay and his dancers were to attend! SO excited at that point ... but it was time to rush to the hotel.. rest for a bit and then head to the arena early.
Reached the hotel. It wasn't too far from the airport and it was positioned quite well to everything- quite convient. Anyway it was almost 4 and it was definately time to go to the arena. The concert starts at 8 but we had standing tickets so we wanted a good postion. LOL took us a while to figure out how to buy train tickets.. there was no signs >.<
Grabbed take-away from a place near to the arena and headed to the Acer Arena for the concert. My sister and I were freezing!! I had a trench coat but it just didn't seem enough. I didn't care I was going to get a good position full stop! We were about 10th? In the middle line. There was about 5 lines. And by about 6pm there was about 150-200 people waiting.
XD My Jay Chou Ticket XD
Waiting in the Line for Jay
It wasn't until 7pm when a staff member came out and put a sign up in front of the line next to us. Immediate thought.. "OH SHITTTTT" we were in the wrong line and now there were lke 400 people and we were about 110th! =( and then it got worse. We read the sign and it said that for our tickets we were meant to be at the northen entrance!!!!! That was like on the other side of the building... it was an immediade scramble as like 100-200 people RAN for the northern entrance. And to top it all off I was in 7cm heels!!!! I thought heels would be a good idea since I was short and would want the height to see over the top of people. But DUDE no! I told my sister to run ahead and I would try to run as fast as I could. Something gave inside of me and I ran.. I couldn't care less if I stacked it but I WANTED TO BE AT THE FRONT! At the point of running there was about 70 people in front of me ... and they when I saw the entrance point 80 meters away.. all of a sudden everyone that was in front of me started to RUN BACK???? I was think o this cannot be good... were we at the right place in the begining??? but then someone shouted out "GO UP THE STAIRS!!" LOL the stairs were like 1 meter away from me and I ran with all my life. I was 6th in line XD we were soooooo estatic! Had to wait for a while longer in that line before we were let into the foyer. This entrancee point would be split into two sections- Front VIP and Rear VIP. lol this meant that when we went in My sister and I were FIRST in the line for our section of th concert WOOOHOOOOO!!! So worth running my legs off for lol
GOSH The Concert itself was absolutely AWESOMEEEE it was so good and Jay was so hilarious.. he so loved us talking about how we're such warm fans *grins* and how life might have been a bit difficult for us growing up in Australia because.... u know.. height and all LOL I loved every second of it.. I only wish some of my pictures were clearer! He also promised to come back to Australia next year or for his next tour!!! I know he totally loves us :). And I couldn't be more proud of his sucess really- I mean sold out concert in a western country! Favourite songs of the night were definately 陽光宅男, 聽媽媽的話 and 稻香 XXD There were two encores of the concert and the crowd was awesome a total of 15000 people attended. It was unbelievably awesome.. I really don't have any other words to explain how good it was. He played soooo many instruments that night from drums to guitar to Gu-Zheng gah so good*hearts Jay CHOU!!!* He also threw out his nunchucks!!! It was caught by someone like 1 meter away from me :( lol I still attempted to run for it tho. I wonder if it was autographed gahhhh! There was raining sparks and firworks and even during 霍元甲 when it goes 霍霍-霍霍-霍霍霍霍 bursts of 火came out to the rhythm of the song!! Oh and the dancing- soo good he has definately improved a lot. There was such a variety of genres and it was god that he sang a mix of both his older songs and those from his new albums. We missed him straight after the concert ended.. and wanted the night to last forever.
Awesome Lighting .. even more awesome is Jay
Raining Fire sparks :)
Gah Playing on the Gu-Zheng
After the concert we met up with Hong (the girl who sold me the tickets to Jay's) and she took us towards the after party. Unfortunately we were too exhausted and it was getting to late since a taxi took forever to get. So we didn't end up going in. We stood on the outside of the club but like it seemed quiet. Apparently Jay wasn't going anyways - he was bound to be tired! So my sister and me headed back to the hotel with nothing but good memories of the night. ... And that was just the first night in Sydney... I don't think the rest would ever live up to that standard. *hearts Jay*
***Today 8th July***
Man very long post and I know I didn't go into detail about the concert but I just don't know where to start it was indescribable! I think I shall continue my the rest of my sydney story later on in the week :) Hope u like the piccies... might post up some more later.. maybe facebook might be easier lol
Laters :)
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