Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The final stretch

The year has kinda flown by.. and at the same time it has dragged on forever. But I think im near the final stretch. In about 3 weeks I will have handed in my competed thesis. Is that not a scary thought? Which means I really gotta get moving on writing. It seems so do-able now. In arms reach. Help me strive through this final stretch?

Only thing is I've caught a cold. Its terrible because it is only now that I realise how much I take for granted my health. How I wish i was not in so much pain so I could at least function and fight my battles. But coughing so my my throat feels like its bleeding :( I think I caught the cold on the night of my sister's wedding when I was welcoming the guests and getting them to sign the guestbook. Jeff had offered me his suit jacket like 3 times but me being so stubborn kept saying that I would be ok and refused. WHY WAS I SO STUBBORN!!! Now I'm like dying in pain when I should be fighting my thesis!

The wedding was pretty awesome. I was so amazed at how everything turned out. Sure there were like slip ups here and there and It was a little stressful but I stood back and remembered thinking wow I cant believe we pulled it off. It would have never worked if my sister wasn't so particular with everything and methodical. I dont think I could ever do it like she did. I only regret not making a speech. I should have. But I chickened out. And the MC announced that I chickened out. FML. But I really had no time to prepare a speech.. especially since I had to hand in my crappy assignment two day early.

So I guess the next thing to look forward to is Melbourne for me. Which is pretty awesome in itself. That and the handing in of my thesis. Will u come party with me once I am done?


The Bride and Groom
The Bridal Party
Noelle and Mandy

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