Sunday, August 8, 2010

Those Three Words

I don't know if you have noticed.. then again its probably hard not to.. but I've been quite temperamental these days. I seem to have backed myself into a corner and I don't know how to get out. Even those things that used to make me happy~ even for just a while~ don't really help anymore. I sick of talking to people about it.. not because I'm sick of people.. but more because I'm sick of myself talking about the same ole crap.. if they don't find me annoying enough already I'm finding myself annoying. Why can't everything just stop rotating in my mind.

Its funny that three harmless words, those words that are meant to be empathetic, supporting and caring, are probably the three words that have made me cry the most. Are You Okay? I just don't know how to respond to that with anything else... is it because once those words are said I realise that the world can actually see my weaknesses. That I am transparent, that I'm crumbling into a million pieces and can no longer hold my senses together.

我是不是讓你們很失望 ...