... So tis post was meant to be up a while ago. But Yay I've finally graduated!
I had been looking forward to that day for such a long time. And I did have a great time camwhoring the whole day. But I must say I was fully exhuasted the by the end of it .. and to not get any sleep before work the next day! But thanks for all who dropped by. Especially thanks to Ali and Peter who took all my photos for me. I love them!!
Uni life seems so long ago. It seems like i've been trapped in this limbo for a while now. No quite a student and definately not yet in Taiwan. haha but I'm working hard to save for Taiwan... even if I have been saving under my quota for the past 3 weeks :( but I will keep trying to make the cut!!! Everyone has been asking me if my Taiwan stuff has all been sorted yet.. well.. not quite. Almost .. ok so not almost. Just I'm getting on to it lol. I'm still debating on which type of visa I want to take. Either a single entry or a multiple entry. The difference is .. with a multiple entry I'm leaving myself for room to maybe visit ShangHai or HongKong for a weekend whith cheap domestic flights. I think I will get a multiple entry visa.. but it costs like $50 extra.. so if I do.. I better use it! Bah just more things to think about I guess.. since I already filled out both forms.
Working everyday is so routine.. but even tho its so routine, there are always the obvious good days and bad days. There are really times when I reckon everyone at work really hates me. Like I'm just the annoying newbie... it feels like i'm always doing things wrong and getting in people's way. And then other times when I feel as if I'm finally starting to settle in. I just don't know anymore.. maybe I'm just overly sensitive to what people say or how people interact with me.
Anihoos... OMG I WANT AN SLR CAMERA!!! lol I think it will be my project to get it just before Taiwan (so I can take it with me) or after Taiwan. I think before Taiwan would be better right? So I can take nice shots in Taiwan! What do u guys think? Atm I'm looking at Nikon.. they seem pretty alrite. I don't want something too expensive .. because I kno I'm not pro so having something pro and not knowing how to use all the functions is just a waste. So I just want something like in the $1000 range so that I can get good at it first and if I decide that I really really heart photography .. then I will get something pro-er later on. Good idea?
Hahah I reallllllyy need to stop spending and save more towards Taiwan! Someone please knock some senses into me!
Alrites ima head off.
Be good boys and girls,