Friday, June 22, 2012

On the bus thoughts

I think its almost been a year since I got took the first interview that got me to where I am today. So much has happened since then. The scary thing is that I feel different. I feel like everyone has grown up... myself included... its not a bad thing or a good thing - I guess im just a little shocked by it. Happened sooner than I thought it would.

You would be glad to know im sticking to my travel thing as much as possible.. even if my bank account hates me! In the last 12  months I have been to... Korea, Taiwan, Chicago, LA, New York, and Sydney. But this should only mark the begining! I want to keep seeing new places and hearing about other people's experiences. This is about the only thing im sure about these days.

Hopefully this post will encourage me to start blogging again...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Last Week of This Chapter

It's been a while. And although I've thought about you a lot... I couldn't bring myself to write. It's a little more difficult these days to share my thoughts. It's not just to you, but to people in general. Going through a difficult year I guess.

The past two months have been really something. I think to explain the last two months only two words really apply. Life Changing. Three big things have happened.

Number one. The finalised sale of our Restaurant. After 6 years, 8 months and 6 days I stood in that kitchen and cooked my last dishes. It was a bitter sweet end to all the hard work and struggles. We managed to notify most of our regular customers and I got to say goodbye to my favourites. The last few weeks were crazy busy and since I worked there every night for the last 2-3 months of the restaurant it was so incredibly tiring. I really don't know how my parent's lived through this kind of lifestyle for so long. I'm glad they finally get the break they deserve~one where they don't have to worry about how the kitchen would need to be prepared when they come back from their break. For me it feels a little strange to have all this time again. Most of all having a weekend again. Dim Sum on Sundays. Everything is refreshingly new but at the same time I do sense the loss. The new owners will be opening soon and I think I will try to visit them on their first day.. as that part of our chapter close.. it's just the beginning for these young owners and I'm sure they would love the support.

Mini Curry Laksa

Number two. After a universe of applications, a sea of rejections, hundreds of cognitive testing, dozens of assessment centers and a handful of interviews... I finally got a job offer :) Strangely enough, I got the offer the day after our last day at the restaurant. And even more strangely ... it was for a place that I actually never finished my application for. I got an email sent to my junk mail asking me for a phone interview and then one thing lead to another. It was all a lot of luck and I am very grateful for this opportunity. So in about a week I will be starting a new chapter. To say that I'm scared is a bit of an understatement. But excited at the same time to see where this will take me. hehe I've also had a little bit of a wardrobe change as I'm beginning to shop for work clothes. Hopefully I'll be good enough to let you my dearest blog know how I go on my first week.

Number three. So from the time of selling the restaurant and starting a new job I've had about a month's time. The biggest thing that I've done in this time is renovate my room! To go with the new chapter the room has been repainted, carpets ripped up and floorboards put in. Let go of a few things and cleaned up a bit more. Having to move everything out of my room was a little scary. I didn't realise how much.. stuff.. I have. It was kinda like having a feel of what reallocating would feel like ... and it was really strange. I would still like to work outside of Perth but my bedroom will always feel like the only space that is completely mine. I love the new look. It suits a fresh beginning.

~The Before Shot~

~The After Shots~

So now there is just you left? Where do we stand these days? I don't really know anymore.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Since When...

Since when did I stop believing? Since when did I start seeing all the flaws? Since when did nothing matter anymore? I really don't know.

I've had no news from the Brisbane job as yet. Its quite worrying especially considering how much I loved the company. However, following the forum, quite a few people haven't heard anything yet, some people have been given offers and others rejections. I guess I really just have to wait for the all important call. Tho at this stage it really looks like a rejection for me. Even though I was so excited about starting a new chapter and starting fresh.

I have another three interviews over the next few weeks. I am quite nervous and at the same time very calm. Doing research and reading - it feels like uni all over again. But speaking of uni, I think there was so much that I could have done. I wouldn't say I regret it, but if I were to live it again I would hope to do a few things differently and do more. I miss learning. Everyone said you would after graduating and I really do. So much so that I watch a lecture on TV last night and was so utterly intrigued. It was by Sam Harris, the author of The Moral Landscape.

These days have been filled with much thinking. Mainly about what I want in life. I've been given the time to do all the things that I've always wanted to do- so I should use the time well. I applied to be a red cross volunteer a while back. They have responded, but I am waiting for further correspondence from the hospital as to how I will be volunteering. I'm actually excited about this opportunity and really hope to get some news from it soon. I have also been thinking about going back to do TAFE course- language courses are probably most likely for me, but I wouldn't mind courses in health and safety or tourism. But we shall see, since there is still a number of loose ends to be tied up here and there.

Travel is always a big thing for me. And no matter how much I say I won't travel anymore for a while... I always seem to be thinking about it. haha if only I was courageous enough to make it part of my career. Still can't decide between a few destinations. But all is dependent upon whether I do land a graduate position for next year. I have a feeling that either way I will be doing some travelling this year ^^ lets see if I'm right?

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Waiting Game

I'm obsessed. Completely and utterly obsessed. I can't stop thinking about it as the scenarios all play out in my mind. Every second of every day I keep wondering is it possible that I could be so lucky? Is it possible that this could be my break through, my new start? And most of all I question... Can I really do this?

Last week was quite an eventful one for me. I went on a road trip down to Esperance with PooPoo, PeePee and 5 other people. It was a crazy 8 hour drive with breaks here and there. It was a tiring drive haha but none of the others trusted me to drive during the whole trip. Frankly, I really don't blame them! haha. Esperance was quite an experience mainly because I got to spend some time with my sister. Ever since she got married moved out from home we haven't really had a chance to just be in each others company. I missed that. Even if it meant tolerating a yukky motel styled shelter ^^. My main aim for the Esperance trip was to take a few good photos. I've been playing around with the dSLR more often these days and even tho I'm still learning I think I'm starting to get the hang of it.. well the sort of pictures I would like to take ^^

~The only picture worth taking of the accommodation lol~

~ The view from above~

~PooPoo donated her shoes to me to climb the rocks~

~From the Jetty~

~Probably the Awesomest Jump Shot Photo I've EVER taken~

During the Esperance trip, I had something that plagued my mind. Something I didn't think I would even get the opportunity to do. An interview. The morning after returning from Esperance I was set to take a flight to Brisbane to attend an interview for a position that I had previously applied for. It was the final interview before an offer would be made and my first face to face interview throughout the masses of applications I had made. The company had paid for the flights and accommodation in Brisbane. It was very generous. Through the whole process, I had tried to read up as much as I could about the company. About its values, projects, objectives and interests. The more I read, the more obsessed I became. The company has reached the point where I find it perfect. Correction, perfect for me.

The interview went okay for me. I was more calm then I thought I would be. I admit there were a few questions that stumped me a little. But I think I gave it my best. That's all that I could as from myself right? I even had some time to catch Ann for dinner and explore a bit of Brisbane which I was quite happy about. It was my first time there. So now I fast forward to now. Now I am in the waiting game again. Waiting beside my phone for that all important call. I don't have any idea about how many other people I am competing with. Nor do I have information about when I am expected to hear back from them. But I can't get it out of my mind. I'm scared and excited at the same time. What this position means to me is more than a career... its actually a life change. It would mean starting a new chapter and starting it pretty much from scratch. From the other side of the coin... this could just be an experience. I could still definitely be rejected at this stage. And its a reality that I've been considering more and more. I mean really? Could I be lucky enough to land a position like this?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bubble Burst

I just got rejected from DFAT's third stage :( am kinda more cut then I should be considering I know how hard it would have been to get through at all. I will try again next year! Starting to lose hope on these applications. Though I have another phone interview tomorrow. Hopefully someone will give me a chance soon~

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Ok the title might have been a little misleading. I am not reloacting just yet. But I've been thinking it over quite a bit lately. This topic has come up a few times over the past few years. And everytime it has I have settled with the idea that yes, I can relocate. But can I really? I woke up today and as I walked out of my room towards the bathroom, I suddenly missed home. I know it doesn't make any sense because I am home now... but I suddenly thought about how much I would miss walking down my hallway ... miss my room where I have dwelled and comforted myself ... miss walking past my sisters' rooms to peek if they were awake... so could I really do it? In all the job applications to date relocations has come up quite a bit. With more prospects interstate it is likely that I would have to consider this option in my future. I'm approaching this question quite seriously now. And I am worried. Can I really leave my comfort zone and start a new chapter? Only time will tell. Monday will be a big day for me ... i'm kinda really scared but also excited about the prospects. I'll let you know more about it all soon ^^ side note: having issues with the paragraphing in blogger T.T

Friday, April 8, 2011

Who Would Have Thought?

Just as I don't know what my life will be like in five years time, I would have never guessed that this is where I am today. Someone once told me that all things happen for a reason. I know its a very general statement... but it isn't until recently that I've really tried to apply this concept. I have the most awful nauseating headache today. I have no idea why. Maybe it was from walking in the rain yesterday and having a slight cold. Unfortunately for me I should have notified my interviewer today of my "disability". Yes, I finally at least got the opportunity to speak to an employer in the progress of my application. It was a unexpected call. And I really think I didn't do as well as I would have wished. I am disappointed in myself. But at the same time happy that I made it that far. The assessment centre event will be held on Monday. So I guess if I don't hear from them again before the close of business today then I'm out :( The waiting game is always hard. I'm trying to document as much of my thoughts during this period as possible. I want to be able to look back on these days and re-experience what was felt. To remember how much effort I put into getting where I am now. So excuse all the talk about graduate applications. I need to continue with new applications.. but getting caught up with cognitive testings and the progress with firms that I have recently heard from. Wanting more information ... waiting ... the process is torture... hahah how have I responded? Instead of being on facebook these days I've spent my time stalking Whirlpool forums. Its surprising how many times I check it a day == almost as much as I check my emails!.. I said ALMOST. Off I go... to check my email T.T